Industrial Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder । industrial carbon dioxide gas cylinder price। Stainless Steel Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder ।
Industrial Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder । industrial carbon dioxide gas cylinder price। Stainless Steel Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder ।

Industrial Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder । industrial carbon dioxide gas cylinder price। Stainless Steel Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder ।

Price: ৯৬০০৳ - ১৪৭০০৳
Minimum Order: ১

Mobile Number: 01611148994

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Product details

Industrial Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder
Industrial Carbon Dioxide gas used for Fabrication, Glass, Metal Process and Cutting Industries.
Colorless, liquefied, high-pressure gas, slightly acidic.
Food & Beverage ≥ 99.9%
Technical Grade ≥ 99.99%

Delivery and Supply
Compressed in-cylinder capacities 5Kg to 45Kg
Our Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinder is made from finest quality stainless steel material that has excellent finishing and is designed for long lasting use. The offered CO2 gas is used for cooling, welding and refrigeration purpose.

Corrosion resistant
Long lasting
Supreme strength


Capacity: 7 cubic meter
Color: Silver and black

Note: Price varies on per kg filling of the gas in the cylinder.

Multipurpose usage including fire extinguishers and welding

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